Duck and Cover – Ducks in a Row (Session Four)

Duck and Cover – Ducks in a Row (Session Four)

Today we continue our Ducks in a Row series. Hopefully you have been with us each week on this adventure. We are getting quite a collection of unique ducks that really do line up and help us as we strive to be who we were created to be. We have found the Trust Duck, which is the foundation of what we are doing. There has been the addition of the Prayer Duck, that connects us to the Father in powerful ways, and then last week we added the Speedy Duck – which reminds us of the importance and urgency of loving and encouraging one another. Today we “quack” open the Word of God into the Psalms and learn how to take advantage of the “feathered fortress” God has given us. It will be a great day as once again – we get our ducks in a row!

On the Way to Anywhere – 1090 Legacy Lane (Session Four)

On the Way to Anywhere – 1090 Legacy Lane (Session Four)

1090 Legacy Lane is a series where we have explored how life really happens. If you are a follower of Jesus you are called to a life of adventure. It is an adventure that those that don’t know God won’t take and probably won’t understand. Anywhere we go, we get the joy of knowing that our lives matter and make an impact because of Him. When you make the decision to take the adventure, then there are some special blessings that make it so much more fun. Living a legacy is exciting…let’s explore more together.