Decoding the Heart – The CODE (Session One)

Decoding the Heart – The CODE (Session One)

Welcome to The CODE – it a new series here at The Church @ 434. Together we are going to take a journey as if we are cryptographers or codebreakers, discovering the “secret code” embedded in the greatest commandment. Each week, a new “code” is unlocked that reveals how to love God fully with heart, soul, mind, and strength, uncovering hidden truths and practical applications for living out this commandment in daily life.

This is the quest to crack the greatest code ever – The Code of the Greatest Commandment. Today we unlock the first code—the heart.

It will focus on understanding what it truly means to love God with all our emotional energy, breaking down barriers that keep our hearts divided. Get ready to crack the Code!

Decorations That Remain – O Christmas Tree (Session Four)

Decorations That Remain – O Christmas Tree (Session Four)

Here we are, one day after Christmas. The hype, the hurry, the hectic pace of getting ready has passed and now all that remains are unwrapped packages, disassembled bows, and the memories of the day. Hopefully your celebration of Christmas was filled with joy and wonder. Today as we worship, we are going to be taking a few moments to remember what happens now – what happens next – when Christmas is over…what should you do? It will be another moment to add one more memory to this year’s Christmas fun.

Viral Blessings – Pandemic Pandemonium (Session Seven)

Viral Blessings – Pandemic Pandemonium (Session Seven)

We have been experiencing one of the strangest seasons of life in the modern history of our planet. Who knew there would be a global pandemic that would disrupt our culture and turn our world off-kilter. In our series, Pandemic Pandemonium, we have looked honestly at the events happening around us, how they impact us now, and how they will impact us in the future. This is the final study in the series, and we discover one more thing to remember that should give us hope. Get ready once again to move into the book of Psalms as we discover some viral blessings.

Something to Think About – A Journey… Traveling Blessed (Session Three)

Something to Think About – A Journey… Traveling Blessed (Session Three)

How are you feeling? Are you feeling blessed? This series is taking us on a journey and we are discovering that we have the chance to travel blessed through life. We have been reminded we have everything we need and today we ponder that a little deeper. In this study, we give you some things to think about if you are going to experience the blessing He has for you. So get ready for something to think about…