Raging Rapids – Welcome to the Jungle (Session One)

Raging Rapids – Welcome to the Jungle (Session One)

Sometimes the river waters are calm but watch out because they can turn into raging rapids without a moment’s notice. The passage talks about a battle that was filled with ups, downs, and unexpected twists. In the middle of the wild ride there is something going on that we can learn from. As we enter the jungle of life today – we are reminded of some things to remember when the rapids in life start raging!

God Rocks! – Rocks (Session Four)

God Rocks! – Rocks (Session Four)

In our series called “Rocks” we have discovered some amazing life lessons that God teaches us through rocks in the Bible. Today we explore a fascinating story of how God responds to our needs and why how we approach Him matters more than we realize. It is a powerful reminder that “God Rocks!”… Let’s celebrate together today.