This Changes Everything – Easter 2020

This Changes Everything – Easter 2020

All of us have experienced moments where once something took place, we knew things would never be the same. That moment changed everything. Right now, there are many people wondering how different life will be after the coronavirus ends… Maybe you are one of them. No matter what may happen in the culture around us, there is one essential moment that you must understand and embrace. It is the Easter event. Easter, is the day that forever changed history and can change your life forever. There is no other way of looking at Easter – This Changes Everything

Everything is Awesome- The LEGO Series (Session Two)

Everything is Awesome- The LEGO Series (Session Two)

It would be an understatement to say that “Easter is Awesome.” Today we are going to take a few moments as we celebrate to remind you of some of the awesome things that can happen for you as you connect to the Easter event.

The series is Easter LEGOs and today we explore how to connect to Jesus and connect to the best life possible for each of us.