Culture Cancelling Jesus – Cancel Culture Series (Session One)

Culture Cancelling Jesus – Cancel Culture Series (Session One)

Cancel Culture is a phrase that describes something happening in the world around us. When something is canceled, it is nulled, ended, voided, done, over, no longer wanted … you get the idea… But today that same idea is also applied to people, that sense of cancel is the basic idea behind the slang meaning of canceling a person. When a person is canceled, they are no longer supported, valued, or considered to exist.

Usually if someone is said to be canceled is because they have done something to offend someone else or taken a position that is not popular with the mainstream of thought.

It might surprise you to find that although the phrase seems fresh, the idea of cancel culture is not new. As a matter of fact, it has been happening for thousands of years.

As we move into the Easter season, we begin this series with a look back in time where the things we discover impact our lives here and now. The first century culture did their best to cancel Jesus. It didn’t’ work then, it doesn’t work now, and that is great news for each of us.

The Easter Experience – Stranger Things (Session One)

The Easter Experience – Stranger Things (Session One)

We live in a world that can easily be described as “upside down.” There are times that we all struggle with trying to understand what is happening around us. How is it possible to process what seems to be swirling out of control? Is there a way that we can turn the “upside down” upside down? On this Easter, together we explore some of the stranger things people wrestle with in the Easter story and begin to understand how Jesus is the way to make the world right.