One Ugly Duckling – Ducks in a Row (Session One)

One Ugly Duckling – Ducks in a Row (Session One)

There are moments in life that most of us have felt like, acted like, or thought like quacking, waddling ducks.
We noisily wobble off in every direction, thinking we know the best path to find the pond.
Sadly, when left on our own, we make an ugly mess out of our lives.
Today we can take the first step toward getting our ducks in a row and discovering that we were created to be more than one ugly duckling.
So, what about it? Are you ready to start getting your ducks in a row?

Bandanas, Bullhorns, and Baseballs – September 11th – 20 years later

Bandanas, Bullhorns, and Baseballs – September 11th – 20 years later

In many ways it seems like it was just yesterday. The horror of the terrorist attacks gripped the world on September 11, 2001. As a nation mourned with shock and grief, we discovered that as only God can do, something amazing emerged from the tragedy. As a nation we have promised we would never forget. Today in this time of worship, we remember, and rediscover some things that should shape our lives today. This will be a reflection service like none you have attended before.