The Eye Opener – Phenomenal (Session Seven)

The Eye Opener – Phenomenal (Session Seven)

The Phenomenal series continues this week with The Eye Opener. Our story begins with a burning question and results in a bit of unconventional mud therapy. In the midst of spit and mud pies we are reminded again of the mysterious ways God works in our lives. Get ready for some mud, miracles, and a man born blind in The Eye Opener.

On the Way to Who and What – Lifehack (Session Two)

On the Way to Who and What – Lifehack (Session Two)

Looking for practical ways to make your life better? Then the truth of this series called Lifehacks is just what you are looking for. Although the title of this session sounds like a Dr. Seuss book, it really takes you through one of the most puzzling and pivotal passages of Scripture in all of the Bible. Once you understand it, then you have the hack you need to move forward.

Do You See Anything? – Lifehack (Session One)

Do You See Anything? – Lifehack (Session One)

A lifehack is a strategy or technique that is used to make life better. We use them all the time, we may not call them lifehacks, but they are real. Often these lifehacks are counter-intuitive… in other words, on the surface they seem silly or even a bit impractical or outlandish – but they work. Sometimes as we read the Bible, we think, that sounds good but I just can’t do that – but when we try it, it works. In this Lifehack series, we take some bold strides to follow the example that Jesus gives us and along the way, make our lives better. This morning we begin with one of the most unusual passages in all of the Bible, it is found in Mark 8 – let’s get ready to hack.