Saddle Up – Anyway (True Grit – John Wayne) – Ride for the Brand (Session Four)

Saddle Up – Anyway (True Grit – John Wayne) – Ride for the Brand (Session Four)

This celebration worship event concludes our Ride for the Brand series, which is built upon asking and answering the question – will you live up to the calling that God has for you and your life?

Once again, we turn back into the thrilling pages of the Old Westement and grab the snapshot that God gives us of a man with True Grit. What we know about his life gives us the clues and the questions to answer as we decide if we want to ride for the brand that God has for each of us…the adventure and your destiny awaits!

A Holy Work Crew – Construction Code (Session Two)

A Holy Work Crew – Construction Code (Session Two)

We are learning “the code” – The Construction Code… how we build the lives that God created us to live. Last week we discovered how to get started and this week we are reminded that we don’t take the journey alone. Get ready to see how to assemble a holy work crew around you as you move forward in the journey that God has mapped out just for you.