by Church @ 434 | Feb 5, 2023 | Genius
Our genius series today concludes. Along the way we have learned that the genius of Jesus is amazingly transferable. Each of us can tap into the genius that we were created with. Our study has taken us through how we think, how we live our lives, how to discover power, and how to live with goodness – all of these built upon the Genius of Jesus. In our final installment we are forced to answer the question – can we handle the truth? To get there, we look at the most famous conversation about truth that ever took place and we discover – the Genius of Truth
by Church @ 434 | Jan 29, 2023 | Genius
We are exploring how we ignite our minds and hearts as we step into being the genius we were created to be. In this session we find out that Jesus does not simply teach us to see the difference between good and evil – but Jesus teaches us to choose between the right and the good – and that is genius!
by Church @ 434 | Jan 22, 2023 | Genius
Genius is the name of the series. We have seen the way a genius thinks and we have seen some specific areas that genius must work in. Now, we discover that Jesus – as only a genius could – saw power as no one had ever imagined it…He reminded us with power comes great responsibility. If we are going to become like Him and allow His genius to be unleashed in us, then we have to understand as He explains the genius of power (and the cost)- today we will see how much power a genius can have.