by Church @ 434 | Jul 28, 2024 | Ducks in a Row
Get ready to take another step to get your Ducks in a Row. Today we take flight in a fun-filled, faith-building adventure as we learn to soar together in The Flying V formation. So grab your feathers, make sure you get your newest rubber duck before you get into Celebration Worship and let’s take flight as we learn about community and add depth to our faith.
by Church @ 434 | Jul 7, 2019 | A Friend Like Me
We have been exploring the impact of having a friend and being a friend can have in the world around you. When you do it right, it creates a whole new world for you and the people in your life. We conclude our series on encouragement with some reminders of what it takes to be the encourager you are called to be.
by Church @ 434 | Jun 30, 2019 | A Friend Like Me
In A Friend Like Me we are discovering the Biblical command to encourage and the importance of how we relate to a world that needs to discover the love of Jesus.
This morning we discover the importance of encouragement once again through a written letter – and are reminded of the powerful possibilities of what it means to say the right stuff in the right way.
by Church @ 434 | Jun 23, 2019 | A Friend Like Me
In our A Friend Like Me series, we are exploring the incredible need and power of encouragement. We have discovered how important this is to God and how He works to do this in each of our lives.
This morning’s Bible study takes us a bit deeper and reminds us of the awesome responsibility of being a friend. So together, lets make some discoveries from a dusty road in Damascus that impacts your life today.