Stop! Hammer Time! – The Unforgettables (Session Three)

Stop! Hammer Time! – The Unforgettables (Session Three)

The Unforgettables is a series about discovering how to live an unforgettable life based on lessons we learn from some unforgettable people in the pages of Scripture. Once we hear their stories we never forget them and hopefully the life lessons will change us in the here and now. In the Unforgettable story of Ehud we learned to Ask (for help) Add (some muscle) & Activate (a plan). In the Unforgettable life of Dorcas we found we must Be (willing) Build (Relationships) & Boldly (Share). In the study today we add a new chapter and find out how to put our faith into action.

Standing Outside the Fire- Fire (Session Two)

Standing Outside the Fire- Fire (Session Two)

Our fire series continues with another incident where we see Fire fall from Heaven…

But how we position ourselves in the fire, when the fire falls, and after the fire arrives is essential if we are going to be people who have the Fire of God IN us…

So where are you? And are you ready to experience FIRE?

Swallowing Nails and Spitting Out Corkscrews – THERE (Session Three)

Swallowing Nails and Spitting Out Corkscrews – THERE (Session Three)

In “There” we have been looking at the importance of living our lives anchored to the Word of God. As we choose to live life according His plan we begin to discover His way. The journey He has for us is exciting but we must also be aware that not everyone we meet wants us to get to the place God wants us to be. This study is a reminder not to be distracted and lose your forward progress.