by Church @ 434 | Nov 17, 2024 | Preemptive Strike
We are in a series about making Preemptive Strikes in our life! Today we talk about a very important and telling pre-choice.
Generosity is more than just spontaneous giving; it’s a mindset that begins with a pre-choice to be a blessing. If you are willing, you will find some ways to cultivate a heart of generosity, become a philanthropist in spirit, and live in such a way that our lives pour out love, kindness, and resources to those around us.
by Church @ 434 | Nov 10, 2024 | Preemptive Strike
Preemptive Strike continues this week. We are discovering the power of our choices, in particular our pre-choices! Loyalty isn’t forged in the moment; it’s a decision made long before. In this study, we’ll explore the power of being steadfast and loyal to God, to others, and to the values we hold dear. If we would learn to do this preemptive strike – our lives would be radically better, different, and we would find great joy in the adventure.
by Church @ 434 | Nov 3, 2024 | Preemptive Strike
Preemptive Strike is the name of this new series here at The Church @ 434. It is designed to help each of us explore the power of making intentional pre-choices that shape our lives. We’ll discover how committing to key principles in advance gives us the strength to face life’s challenges and uncertainties. By pre-deciding our values, we become proactive in our faith journey, living with purpose and resilience. The opening message sets the stage for understanding why making pre-choices matters.
by Church @ 434 | Jan 7, 2024 | Stand Alone Worship Services
Pastor Jeff Dixon made it through 9am but was not feeling well enough to continue at 11, so Chris Whaley stepped in at short notice with this look at David vs Goliath.
by Church @ 434 | May 17, 2020 | Hold On!
In Hold On, we have been exploring the importance and the ways we stay close to Jesus in the midst of tough times, circumstances, or yes… even pandemics!
In this session, we dive into the book of Psalms to find a psalm that reminds us of a series of things that we need to keep a grip on as we discover what God has in store for each of us.