Don’t Forget to Remember – UN (Session Four)

Don’t Forget to Remember – UN (Session Four)

Living UN

We have been introducing the UN way to live in this series, so far we have seen how we can live…Unflustered, Unshocked, & Unburdened…

Today… we add another UN… Unforgettable. The background is a remarkable story that ripples through our lives just like it did when Jesus first said it. If we desire to live unforgettable lives then we have to remember the lessons we find here.

Let Loose and Bless – Blessed 2 Bless (B2B) – Session Four

Let Loose and Bless – Blessed 2 Bless (B2B) – Session Four

We are learning that we have been blessed so that we can bless others – Blessed to Bless. We have also discovered that God is the giver of all good things and all that we have, comes from Him.

He expects us to be faithful and obedient with all He has entrusted to us. Because of that, we have the freedom to bless others. This morning’s study reminds us of the basics of generosity and blessing.