Lifetime Memories – The Makers (Session Three) 11am

Lifetime Memories – The Makers (Session Three) 11am

As a bonus celebration gathering in The Makers series, we built our celebration around baptism. This exciting time of worship, is a moment where you can get the chance to see people of all ages, publically stand and share with the world – they love Jesus and they are a follower!
It is a bold, powerful moment of worship. What you see here should become a lifetime memory… for each person baptized it is a lifetime memories…and as Makers we must allow moments like this to become memories for each of us as they remind us of the importance of what it means to follow and share the love of Jesus with others….

The Unknown and the Known – Pandemic Pandemonium (Session Four)

The Unknown and the Known – Pandemic Pandemonium (Session Four)

This is SURGE Day : The day we remember and celebrate when God took two distinct ministries and made them one. It is an amazing story of how God provides just what you need at just the right time in just the right way. Actually those are important lessons for all of us during this coronavirus season of living. On the day when the First Baptist Church and Covenant Community Church joined together it was not really a merge, but rather a surge. In a rushing wave of power the landscape forever changed… and a new ministry began. That is why it is called SURGE Day and that is what we celebrate today. This will be a great morning of worship as we continue or Pandemonium Pandemic series with a few thoughts about the unknown and the known…and together we will celebrate what God has done and anticipate what God is going to do in the days ahead.