by Church @ 434 | Apr 5, 2020 | A Journey… Traveling Blessed
We have found that we are all on a journey. We have a choice to make of course, we can choose to live our lives by our plan or by God’s plan. When we choose His plan we make what is one of the most surprising and amazing discoveries of all – we get to live life blessed. That doesn’t mean that we will never have any problems, but the Bible is clear on what to do and how to find a blessed life. If you really want it, you can get it, but you have to embrace the grind. This morning, we find out what that means and how to make it happen.
by Church @ 434 | Mar 29, 2020 | A Journey… Traveling Blessed
How are you feeling? Are you feeling blessed? This series is taking us on a journey and we are discovering that we have the chance to travel blessed through life. We have been reminded we have everything we need and today we ponder that a little deeper. In this study, we give you some things to think about if you are going to experience the blessing He has for you. So get ready for something to think about…
by Church @ 434 | Mar 22, 2020 | A Journey… Traveling Blessed
We are on a journey and we have discovered that we have been called to live blessed. That is all well and good, but what is the ingredient that we need to make it work? Of course we know the answer is Jesus – that is a given. But what else? Today we discover that truth!