Tomorrow Sonrise Series
You have seen the pictures, at Surge Day walked the grounds and now it is time to dive into plans for the new building as we move towards TOMORROW.

Last Blood: The Battle to Find Your Identity in Him Series
This is an explosive look into discovering who we really are. It has been a study that is years in development and may just ignite within you an entirely new way of looking at your calling, your character, and the culture that we live in. This is not for the faint of heart, because as we discover out identity in Jesus we also discover that wrapped in that identity is a call to be more than we ever thought we might be

Up In the Sky – A Christmas Experience
You know the story very well. There was a star in Bethlehem. We know it as the Christmas Star. It is the one that the wise men followed, you see it on greeting cards, and you have always wondered about it.
What does the star show us today? What can we learn about the birth of Jesus from it? Why does it matter at all?
The answers are all wrapped up in a true Christmas experience we are calling Up in the Sky

Our Secret Weapon in an Age of Us Against Them
Series description coming soon.

A Lot Going On
In the final hours before Jesus was crucified, His focus shifted to making sure His closest friends understood what they would need to know. Those conversations are some of the most meaningful in all of Scripture. This series takes us into the Upper Room and beyond as we discover what they mean to us today.

A Holy Moment
We are exploring the incredible value, gift, and power that comes wrapped up in a moment. Most of us understand that we live our lives minute to minute and moment to moment. The quest is how to make each moment matter in a way that honors God. So take the journey into “A Holy Moment” and together lets discover how to live each day to the fullest.

Now That I Have Your Attention
The world around us is noisy – yet in the midst of the noise many have a desire to hear God. Believe it or not, God desires for us to hear Him as well, so there are times that He will do whatever it takes to get your attention. This series is a practical reminder that we follow a God that can speak our language – and if we listen, it will change our lives

Lead On
Leaders have influence. Everyone has some circle of influence, so in a way… each person finds themselves leading something. Now leadership is different on each person but we all should strive to do it better. This study gives us some guardrails and a pathway to lead and influence those we meet most effectively… and most importantly…. In a way that honors God!

The Best Version of You
This special adult track of Sonrise Bible Study is our annual look at how we transform, how we change, and how we become the best version of ourselves.
We believe that Jesus is always changing us to become more like Him – this study is designed to be practical and give you some tools and resources to have the best year of growth ever.

Knowing Jesus (really!)
Are you ready to take an up-close and personal look at Jesus?
Get ready to see Him with a fresh look and maybe in a way you never have before
SONrise Bible Study Index
Tomorrow Sonrise Series
You have seen the pictures, at Surge Day walked the grounds and now it is time to dive into plans for the new building as we move towards TOMORROW.
Last Blood: The Battle to Find Your Identity in Him Series
This is an explosive look into discovering who we really are. It has been a study that is years in development and may just ignite within you an entirely new way of looking at your calling, your character, and the culture that we live in. This is not for the faint of heart, because as we discover out identity in Jesus we also discover that wrapped in that identity is a call to be more than we ever thought we might be
Up In the Sky – A Christmas Experience
You know the story very well. There was a star in Bethlehem. We know it as the Christmas Star. It is the one that the wise men followed, you see it on greeting cards, and you have always wondered about it.
What does the star show us today? What can we learn about the birth of Jesus from it? Why does it matter at all?
The answers are all wrapped up in a true Christmas experience we are calling Up in the Sky
Our Secret Weapon in an Age of Us Against Them
Series description coming soon.
A Lot Going On
In the final hours before Jesus was crucified, His focus shifted to making sure His closest friends understood what they would need to know. Those conversations are some of the most meaningful in all of Scripture. This series takes us into the Upper Room and beyond as we discover what they mean to us today.
A Holy Moment
We are exploring the incredible value, gift, and power that comes wrapped up in a moment. Most of us understand that we live our lives minute to minute and moment to moment. The quest is how to make each moment matter in a way that honors God. So take the journey into “A Holy Moment” and together lets discover how to live each day to the fullest.
Now That I Have Your Attention
The world around us is noisy – yet in the midst of the noise many have a desire to hear God. Believe it or not, God desires for us to hear Him as well, so there are times that He will do whatever it takes to get your attention. This series is a practical reminder that we follow a God that can speak our language – and if we listen, it will change our lives
Lead On
Leaders have influence. Everyone has some circle of influence, so in a way… each person finds themselves leading something. Now leadership is different on each person but we all should strive to do it better. This study gives us some guardrails and a pathway to lead and influence those we meet most effectively… and most importantly…. In a way that honors God!
The Best Version of You
This special adult track of Sonrise Bible Study is our annual look at how we transform, how we change, and how we become the best version of ourselves.
We believe that Jesus is always changing us to become more like Him – this study is designed to be practical and give you some tools and resources to have the best year of growth ever.
Knowing Jesus (really!)
Are you ready to take an up-close and personal look at Jesus?
Get ready to see Him with a fresh look and maybe in a way you never have before
We have heard there is “freedom” in Christ. It is good to be free – but do we really understand what that means and how that happens? Lets explore what it means to be free and learn to live free indeed… There is great joy in living free – and we all could use some joy – right?
Travel Time
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be on a road trip with Jesus? Well, the Bible gives us one, and in this series we take that trip and make some discoveries that could impact our world forever.
This is a deeper dive into the Word – it is part of our Bible Nerd series.
That Makes Me Smile
Life can be tough to be sure. We all need moments to smile. In this study, we find some passages in he Bible that are a bit funny, show a Holy sense of humor, and we find ourselves connected to the stories in healthy happy ways… see some familiar stories with a fresh set of eyes.
Land of the Giants
Have you ever wondered about stuff that is in the Bible? One of the mysterious things we find, in the Bible, is the mention of giants. Believe it or not, there is a lot more about giants in Scripture than you might think. Get ready to drill down and explore some mysteries of the Bible and what they mean to you, in this series called Lord of the Giants. (This is part of a special series of studies called the Bible Nerd Series)
Downloading Strength
A New Year brings new hope but at the same time the realization that you have to face some things that aren’t always going to be easy. We know God give strength – but – do you really know how to get it?
Never Lets Go
Nothing can ever snatch us from His hand. This is such good news!
But even greater and more stunning is the reason He holds us so tightly – He loves us.
His love holds us and will never ever let us go.
God’s love never lets go…
Before You Were Born He Loved You
Three words – God loves you – should define your life. Understanding how much He loves you makes it easier to allow His love to shape you and your world.
God is Love
3 little words that are mighty in meaning
These three words ring throughout the galaxy and change everything. But don’t confuse little words with simple words – these words are also misunderstood, misused and miscommunicated. We kick off the summer by connecting with this important truth!
Transformation Station
Join us as we revisit what it means to have a transformed life and how to get it.
True Grit
It is not easy to be a man and woman of God in a world that pushes us toward being far less. It is not easy, but it is worth it. So the question is, do you have the grit it takes to become the best version of yourself? The you – you were created to be? In this course discover the virtues you need.
Understanding the News
This is a very special audio series taught originally in 434 SonRise Bible Study.
We are bombarded with news from all over the world. Depending on the channel you listen to and the filter you hear it through it is extremely easy to get overwhelmed, confused, maybe even depressed.
In this series, we wade into some of the more compelling news topics of the day but try to see them through a Biblical lens.
When you begin to process the things we hear each day with a spiritual filter, it helps us understand them better and improve our Biblical worldview… and things don’t seem so dramatic or frightening.
Session Three of the Israeli-Arab Conflict didn’t record due to technical difficulties.
Sneak Preview – Creature Feature Series
You can’t run – you can’t hide from the creatures that lurk within.
More frightening that any monster. More devastating than any invader. This creatures will dumb you down, numb your soul, and threaten everything important to you!
They have been unleashed and they wreak havoc and mayhem. In this series we discover where these creatures live… and most importantly – how they can be defeated!
More… Moments, Memories, Momentum and Ministry
A look at having the abundant life God has called us to.
Freedom is never free, it is always bought with a price. It costs something to be sure.
Jesus reminds us that if we are willing to make the choice to follow Him, embrace His Word then we discover truth… and when we do we will be set free. He follows it up with a promise, that if the Son sets you free, then you are free for certain. That means that our freedom is secured by Jesus and is ready for the living and experiencing. Are you ready to live, really live free?
In this series, recorded live in SonRise Bible Study, we explore how to find that freedom He promises.
A Heroic Adventure
God has called each of us to a life bigger than we ever dreamed. Are you ready to live it?
Is It True? – A 4 Point Case for Mere Christianity
How do you know if faith is real and true? It takes more faith to be an atheist than to embrace the truth of the Bible… lets discover why.
Six Sides – Adding Depth
We have explored transformation, now we look at practical and insightful ways that we can improve and add depth to our journey of faith. This is designed to explain each of the six sides of transformation and what you do next to set your direction to grow!
Transformation 434
Where you are today is not where you will be tomorrow!
As a follower of Jesus, the call of Christ is a call to grow and add depth to your life
This study is designed to teach you what transformation looks like and give you the chance to evaluate where you are in your journey of faith and where you want to go.
An essential course for all who are ready to grow deeper in their faith and know Jesus better.
The 411 @ 434 (2015)
This an big overview of the who, what, when, where, why, and how of The Church @ 434. Since we are all new to this journey together this is information that will be helpful, informative, inspirational, refreshing and give you the inside scoop on what we all need to know about The Church @ 434.
Urban Legends and Open Doors
You have heard the phrase, “well… if God wants something to happen – He will open the door” many people have tried to live their life by looking for an open door – but they aren’t sure what that even means for what the doorway might look like
Sometimes the reason we don’t embrace God’s direction for our life is because we don’t really know what to look for
More Jesus is the Question
Continuation of the series Jesus is the Question that was taught in January 2015
Have you ever noticed in your study of the Bible that Jesus asks a lot more questions than He answers? If you haven’t noticed that before, it is true. Someone once said that as they read the Bible they thought Jesus was the ultimate Answer Man but they quickly discovered He is the ultimate Question Man. In this study we will dig in and explore the questions of Jesus – and most importantly what they tell us about following Him.
Jesus is the Question
Have you ever noticed in your study of the Bible that Jesus asks a lot more questions than He answers? If you haven’t noticed that before, it is true. Someone once said that as they read the Bible they thought Jesus was the ultimate Answer Man but they quickly discovered He is the ultimate Question Man. In this study we will dig in and explore the questions of Jesus – and most importantly what they tell us about following Him.
Little Things… Huge Change
Little things can make a big difference. Of course, we already know that, but it is amazing how often we forget or ignore what we already know. This is a series that talks about little things, simple things, that become very significant when we learn to do them over long periods of time. The application and impact in our lives is huge. Your spiritual life, every relationship you have, your attitude and success at work, and your ability to lead and follow are all things that fall under some of the concepts we are sharing in this study.
Going – Not Knowing – Abraham’s Travel Book One
A journey unfolds as you leave one place and head to another
Usually you have some sort of plan as to where the destination is. However, in the story of Abraham we find a man of faith… the kind of faith that allows him to take a step forward but having no idea of where he is going.
It is a fantastic story about living by faith and trusting God for the next step. The life lessons we learn can change us forever
Collision in the Middle East
The summer of 2014 finds the Middle East boiling over with events, battles, and conflict that is both heartbreaking and frightening. The way we view the world as followers of Jesus makes a difference.
This is a series designed to inform, help you process what we hear in the news, find the difference between what we hear and what we know, and how as followers we can best understand the collision in the Middle East
Recovering the Revolutionary
Beyond religion, beyond rules, and beyond what so many think they know… there is something that sets Christianity apart from any other religion. It was that special something that caused the first century church to “turn the world upside down.” It is that unique thing that angels can’t stop looking into, and it is the one thing – that if we will take the time to allow it to change us, will revolutionize our lives. It is in a word the “Gospel”… and this series is designed to see if there is a way for us to reacquaint ourselves with it and recapture it.
One… Two… Three… (3 Seconds)
One… Two… Three… (3 Seconds)
Point Me In The Right Direction
10 prep points are provided to help you set spiritual goals.
Follower… Faith… Facebook
This study equips followers with some resources on how to be successful in a social media world. (Let’s translate that – how do Christians become better at social media?
Face Your Fear
All of us live our lives by making decisions and choices that are result of our life experiences, the situations we find ourselves in, and what we understand spiritually. Fear is a very real factor in all of our lives. How we deal with it, understand it, process it, and react to it…says a great deal about our depth and where we are in our journey of faith. In this series we take a bold step toward fearless living as we put fear under the microscope and you are invited to Face Your Fear
Why Money Should be God’s Problem, Not Yours
Matt Armstrong is our guest teacher for this class and it is designed to help you view money as you should and manage it in a way that honors God.
17 Leadership Guidelines
This is a one week study looking at leadership guidelines.
Never the Same
The resurrection of Jesus is THE event on which all of history hinges. After His death, burial, and resurrection nothing was ever the same. In the forty days that followed Jesus made appearances and had moments that confirmed what had happened and at the same time changed the course of the early church and history. In this study we go back and ponder the events that happened right after the tomb was empty.
The Darkness Falls Across the Land
As we count down to Easter, we take a look at the events leading up to it, starting with Gethsemane.
He Always Has… He Always Will
This Sonrise Bible Study is a continuation of the Unconditional Series that started in Celebration Worship.