Unstoppable – Questions – Session Three
In this series we have been taking some moments to journal some ideas. These are some questions that might be helpful for you journaling from session three : Never Say JUST an Ox-goad….or…using what you have!
In this series we have been taking some moments to journal some ideas. These are some questions that might be helpful for you journaling from session three : Never Say JUST an Ox-goad….or…using what you have!
In this series we have been taking some moments to journal some ideas. These are some notes that might be helpful for you journaling from session two : Starting Where You Are!
Here are the questions that you were invited to journal, answer, and ponder during Session One of Unstoppable Living.
Here is a very long article about the controvery surrounding the book Love Wins written by Rob Bell. This book became a part of the conversation at CCC when we took a look at hell in our BACKDRAFT series entitled : Hell’s Bells.So the notes are a compliation of some of the background work and study for that particular study
The idea was one of those “what if?” ideas that float across your brain from time to time. When it was all said and done there was a list and some very interesting things discovered along the way.
This is a follow up to the themed worship experiences that are a part of the Astonished Series. Each of the notes and entries supplement some of the things that were taught and covered in the celebration worship experiences.