by Church @ 434 | Aug 18, 2019 | All Access Pass
During our All-Access Pass series, we have shared a number of exciting things that happen in our lives because God gives us access to Him. There is one more question, the most basic of all questions an done that we ask about most things in life – Is it worth it? The answer is YES! Take advantage of the access that is given by the Father and live differently because of Him.
by Church @ 434 | Aug 11, 2019 | All Access Pass
Tis the Season, the title of today’s study, sounds like a Christmas study but it is not. As we have been thinking about the access that God gives us, it is important to remember that our lives are a journey. On that journey we go through a number of seasons. Each season is important and God is a part of each of them. Understanding that we can face each season is important – the reason we can face each one is because of the access He has given us!
by Church @ 434 | Aug 4, 2019 | All Access Pass
We have been granted an all access pass by God. He has invited us to get to know Him, to see Him and to follow Him. Each study, in this series, has reminded us of how having all access to Him changes everything.
Today we ask, “Does that access change our expectations?” If not, should it? What should they be? Get ready to explore and be challenged once again in this time of Celebration Worship – what else would you expect?
by Church @ 434 | Jul 28, 2019 | All Access Pass
We are discovering the possibilities for our life in our All-Access Pass series. Today we find an extremely unlikely story, told by Jesus and it is loaded with surprises. And that is exactly the point – there is potential just waiting to be unlocked. That is what we explore in this study.
by Church @ 434 | Jul 21, 2019 | All Access Pass
Our series is called All Access Pass. We discovered that we have been invited by God to step behind the scenes and get to know Him. When we do, we discover a way of living that changes us and the world around us forever. If that is going to happen, we need to know how.
Today’s study tackles another way of becoming the best version of ourselves… we have to be curious. If you want to know more, good – that is the first step! It is time to get curious.
by Church @ 434 | Jul 14, 2019 | All Access Pass
This morning we begin a brand new series entitled All Access Pass. Are you ready to fully access the life God has for you? You can!
This series explains the simple ways you can live a better life. Get ready, the journey is about to begin. Even now, take a moment and ask God to prepare your heart for all that He has to teach you this morning.