Rise (s1e12) – Who’s Influencing You?

Rise (s1e12) – Who’s Influencing You?

In a world where everyone seeks to influence, who truly has the power to guide your life? Join us as we explore how to rise above the noise, reject the distractions, and tune into the one voice that matters—Jesus Christ. Discover how His influence can transform your choices and lead you to the life you were created for. Together, let’s rise!
#RiseAbove #FaithInfluencer #JesusIsTheVoice #JesusLeads #ChristianInfluence

Rise (s1e11) – Word In, Word Out: The Power of God’s Truth

Rise (s1e11) – Word In, Word Out: The Power of God’s Truth

In this episode of Rise, we focus on the ultimate filter for life’s chaos: the Word of God. How do we rise above the mediocrity of our culture? By prioritizing truth and putting God’s Word into our lives. Drawing from Philippians 4:9, we explore how Scripture shapes our thoughts, actions, and decisions, enabling us to live as God intended. Discover why word in, word out is the foundation for rising above and standing strong in a world that constantly tells us how to think.
#RiseAbove #WordInWordOut #FaithAndTruth #SpiritualGrowth #GodsWord #IntentionalLiving

Rise (s1e10) – Thoughts In, Thoughts Out: Transforming Your Mind

Rise (s1e10) – Thoughts In, Thoughts Out: Transforming Your Mind

In this episode of Rise, we take the next step in overcoming mediocrity by focusing on thoughts in, thoughts out. Drawing inspiration from Philippians 4:8, we explore how the thoughts we dwell on shape our perspective, faith, and actions. Are you filling your mind with what is true, noble, pure, and praiseworthy? Discover how to align your thought life with God’s Word and rise above the noise to live with clarity and purpose.
#RiseAbove #FaithAndThoughts #TransformYourMind #SpiritualGrowth #IntentionalLiving

Rise (s1e9) – Data In, Data Out: Choosing What Shapes You

Rise (s1e9) – Data In, Data Out: Choosing What Shapes You

In this episode of Rise, we explore the truth behind “garbage in, garbage out” and the power of being intentional with the media we consume. Every piece of data we let in influences our lives—so how can we ensure it aligns with our faith and helps us become the best version of ourselves? Join us as we rise above mediocrity by taking a hard look at what we allow to shape us.
#RiseAbove #FaithAndMedia #IntentionalLiving #SpiritualGrowth #DataInDataOut #MediaInfluence

Rise (s1e8) – Rethinking Media: Rise Above the Noise

Rise (s1e8) – Rethinking Media: Rise Above the Noise

In this episode of Rise, we dive into the staggering reality of media consumption—13.61 hours a day on average! How do we rise above the noise, choose what helps us grow, and live a life true to our God-given purpose? Discover how to make wise choices that align with your faith and avoid the traps of mindless consumption. Let’s take the first step together to rise above mediocrity and step into who we’re meant to be.
#RiseAbove #FaithAndMedia #PurposeDriven #HealthyHabits #SpiritualGrowth #MediaConsumption

Rise (s1e7) – Measuring True Growth in Faith

Rise (s1e7) – Measuring True Growth in Faith

How do we truly measure our growth? In this episode of Rise, we uncover the importance of using an unchanging, yet powerful standard to elevate our lives. Left to our own perceptions, we may believe we’re progressing, but only by aligning ourselves with God’s unwavering standards can we see the real picture. Let’s dive deeper into what it takes to grow and honor Him.
#FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #FaithInAction #GodsStandards